Love Like a Bibliophile | Day 02 | #NaPoWriMo
Purest of loves often leave no trails.
Like a Bibliophile’s books,
of titles read over and over again,
starchy still,
between creaseless jackets
and not a speck of dirt at the corners,
gleaming like guns in an armoury.
Unlike someone who reads to kill time
where there will always be
a piece of paper stuck somewhere
containing address or phone number
serving as a frail bookmark,
a brown coffee ring from the
bottom of Styrofoam cup,
a peacock feather in chalk dust,
or uneven lines of blue or black
at the back, scratched hard,
to get a dried pen working.
Loves of the Bibliophiles kind
are hard to find and harder to get rid of.
They leave no signs at the surface.
Their feelings are submarines
wading quietly through deep waters of souls.
setting hearts to ravishing ruins.
© Sobhan
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